The Present
Why Blog?
I guess you can say that on the surface it was really the birth of my son that was the catalyst to get the pen moving again, but beneath that surface lies a little more of the real story. While I’ve subtitled this particular section The Present, I’m going to avoid spending too much time there. This is primarily to be a celebration of the past, somewhere that my son can go to and read about life through the eyes of his dad – who he adores right now at the innocent age of three, but will one day come to the conclusion that, “my parents are so not cool,” as all kids inevitably do. For me it has become a celebration of the fact that I have actually picked up a pen (this usually starts out in the aforementioned composition book as noted in part 1) and begun to create again. Somehow, within the last decade or two my mind seems to have succumbed to just ordinary, for lack of a better description, creativity beating a hasty retreat, so in a way this is almost therapeutic for me. The idea of starting a journal a.k.a. blog is not a new one however. In fact, there are several composition books strewn all over the apartment that remain primarily empty. Occasionally I would jot down a sentence or two (“What is about to transpire on these pages I have no way of knowing”, comes immediately to mind) but then quickly abandon it due to lack of interest or inspiration. Besides, who would read it anyway, but then the idea came to me, why not just put it out there? Naturally though, in revealing myself to the wide, wide world via the World Wide Web would require some tact.
“We all have skeletons in the closet” a close friend confided to me one afternoon last summer, stopping himself immediately after saying so. I plan to do the same…for the most part. This page (or site, or blog, or whatever you choose to refer to it as – I prefer shameless self-promotion, myself) will remain a positive place. No whining and complaining about the present state of my life, or the world for that matter, no political opinions and no slandering of persons past or present which may prove difficult in bringing up old relationships and exes…
Think tactful, I remind myself.
‘Nuf Said!
Why Now?
Several months ago I joined a Yahoo! Group started by some old acquaintances. The moderator e-mailed me back asking, “Why should you be allowed to join this group?” to which I replied simply, “I was Morty once, people loved me.” I therefore owe
kudos to “Joey Angel” of georgeandjoel.com (who by the way has done a little writing of his own and will forever be linked to this site) for lighting the fire underneath me to actually get past the silly opening sentence mentioned above that has graced so many virgin composition books.
Why Blog?
I guess you can say that on the surface it was really the birth of my son that was the catalyst to get the pen moving again, but beneath that surface lies a little more of the real story. While I’ve subtitled this particular section The Present, I’m going to avoid spending too much time there. This is primarily to be a celebration of the past, somewhere that my son can go to and read about life through the eyes of his dad – who he adores right now at the innocent age of three, but will one day come to the conclusion that, “my parents are so not cool,” as all kids inevitably do. For me it has become a celebration of the fact that I have actually picked up a pen (this usually starts out in the aforementioned composition book as noted in part 1) and begun to create again. Somehow, within the last decade or two my mind seems to have succumbed to just ordinary, for lack of a better description, creativity beating a hasty retreat, so in a way this is almost therapeutic for me. The idea of starting a journal a.k.a. blog is not a new one however. In fact, there are several composition books strewn all over the apartment that remain primarily empty. Occasionally I would jot down a sentence or two (“What is about to transpire on these pages I have no way of knowing”, comes immediately to mind) but then quickly abandon it due to lack of interest or inspiration. Besides, who would read it anyway, but then the idea came to me, why not just put it out there? Naturally though, in revealing myself to the wide, wide world via the World Wide Web would require some tact.
“We all have skeletons in the closet” a close friend confided to me one afternoon last summer, stopping himself immediately after saying so. I plan to do the same…for the most part. This page (or site, or blog, or whatever you choose to refer to it as – I prefer shameless self-promotion, myself) will remain a positive place. No whining and complaining about the present state of my life, or the world for that matter, no political opinions and no slandering of persons past or present which may prove difficult in bringing up old relationships and exes…
Think tactful, I remind myself.
‘Nuf Said!
Why Now?

Several months ago I joined a Yahoo! Group started by some old acquaintances. The moderator e-mailed me back asking, “Why should you be allowed to join this group?” to which I replied simply, “I was Morty once, people loved me.” I therefore owe

I guess it’s called growing up.
Somewhere beginning around the early 90’s a certain degree of cynicism began to evolve within me. Before I had decided on “So What’s the Words” as the title

So I thank my lil’ feller for the current title which I find both positive and intriguing (hopefully!).
What can I say?... with age came cynicism, and on that note we’ll leave the skeleton closet closed. While my life’s story will most likely not sell any books, I really feel that it may - if nothing else, raise a few eyebrows here and there.
Am I a complex person?
My top three favorite movies of all time are
What can I say?... with age came cynicism, and on that note we’ll leave the skeleton closet closed. While my life’s story will most likely not sell any books, I really feel that it may - if nothing else, raise a few eyebrows here and there.
Am I a complex person?
My top three favorite movies of all time are
(Raise eyebrows here)!
“The Gumball Rally,” “Time After Time” (Malcolm McDowell/Mary Steenburgen), and “Monty Python and the Holy Grail,” not necessarily in that order. Bubbling just under you would probably find “Capricorn One,” and “Rollercoaster.”
Call them guilty pleasures…just like Spam and the Partridge Family (not necessarily in that order either).
I look forward to revisiting and regaling you with tales ranging from college to concerts, music interests, employment, romance, cars,etc.
What is about to transpire on the following website I’ve no way of knowing...
I do hope you’ll all
(is “anybody’s here?”)
come along for the ride.
(Still) Morty!
(Still) Morty!
1 comment:
....I loved The Partridge Family, too. I sing Come On Get Happy to Katie at night....was telling my mom about your blog and she reminded me that I had TPF clothes when I was a kid! How about skipping gaily down the street in them! Love ya....Deb
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