Alright, so just when you think the novelty has worn off and he's gone back to the everyday mundane aspects of daily life, he resurfaces. Yes, it's been a while since I posted; nearly six months to be exact. I've got a few things in the works that will at some point find their way here. In the meantime howe

ver, the writing has actually continued. In fact, it was with the completion of my first blog
"Return to Innocence" that soon landed me a position (non-paying, but the dream actually came true) as a columnist in a local magazine that's starting to garner a bit of attention. I've aways been rather long-winded when it comes to committing words to the written page, so not knowing the first thing about writing for periodicals, my first entry which was very happily a shortened version of the abovementioned
"...Innocence" selfishly spanned two issues. The publisher; knowing a good cliff hanger when he sees one left the reader panting (that's the way I envision it, anyway) for more. My wife, upon completing my debut entry into the world of literature exclaimed, "He stopped it right at the dirty part." I had to remind her that at the age of 13 which was more or less when
"Return to Innocence" had taken place, there were no dirty parts! Today's youth at 13 however...I won't go there. While the original dream was to write and see some of my
fiction published, seeing my name in print while I spin tales of my life has been pretty rewarding. I'm hoping to make some kind of mark locally, but as no one is really stopping me on the street as yet...
Ah-h-h, that's alright. I've already had what I consider to be my
15 minutes of fame (see Blog #2 "...Résumé for Disaster"). When asked what the column is about, I often compare it to a Seinfeld episode - It's about nothing. So far I've all but written my own book (no pun intended) as I wing my way through it with each new submission, writing about whatever comes to mind. I poke a lot of fun at myself which is OK, because frankly there's enough to
poke fun at. The intent is simply to make people smile; something I don't do nearly enough of these days. Oops, no skeletons, remember? I intend on maintaining this site as a happy place. That way should someone ever tell me (highly cliché and unlikely)
"Go to your Happy Place" well, here I am. I'll include a number of my submissions in this space both for the sake of some good old fashioned shameless self-promotion, and on the off-chance (realistically also highly unlikely) someone should find their way here either by choice or by accident. That said, feel free to leave comments at will. One day i'd love to pop in here and not hear my imaginary voice echoing back at me. With that, I leave you with one of my son's earliest proclamations at the beautiful age of two,
"There Nobody's Here."- - 'Nuf said!
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